Sounds of Peace


Sounds of Peace is my lifelong passion and path as a composer and pianist to enrich all of our lives with new music for healing, wellness, peace and love.

The music of Sounds of Peace opens a window into the natural world of peaceful energy and subtle vibrations. This ongoing project serves as a personal spiritual practice that I can share with listeners on a daily basis. My sincere wish is to share this healing music with the world.

Creating A Daily Practice

Creating a daily practice transforms the way we interact with our world. Sounds of Peace begins with the practice of learning to listen, breathe and relax.

Bringing this simple practice into your day through music is a form of giving. Giving yourself a few moments here and there to pause and receive.

While creating or listening to music – remember… listen, breathe and relax. This will shine a light on and bring into focus the essential core of your being which is one of deep peace.

Core Values

My music is a spontaneous, free flowing expression from my heart. Nothing is planned in advance of my recording sessions. My intention is to celebrate the oneness of life and radiate the energies of love, compassion and peace in each and every moment.

Please join me on this healing journey.

Be Well

Chris Farrell, Composer and Founder of Sounds of Peace

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